Thursday, 2 October 2014


IP Family Story- hi my name is Amy and my 2year old daughter was diagnosed with ip at 5 weeks old via skin biopsy from her dermatologist. When she was born she had what drs called pustulars on her skin. Then at 48 hrs old broke out in a rash over her entire body. The drs called it newborn rash which would go away in 2 months. My paediatrician saw her at 3 weeks and immediately told us to go to a dermatologist, which confirmed it was indeed IP. Arabella has a whole team of specialist she sees regularly. She has endured 5 successful eye laser treatments to save her eyesight. Another one at the end of this month. She only has so far 7 cute pointy teeth, & hyper pigmentation on her body. All in all she is the happiest toddler and loves snuggles. I'm so proud to call her mine and feel equally blessed to have her in my life.

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